Wednesday, June 3, 2009


A Sunday afternoon cuddle w/ Dad.

33 weeks... Sorry,I still haven't learned how to turn the picture.

Creative comfort...

This was right before the book group I was going to host. Hannah can tell when I'm trying to keep the house presentable. Sometimes, she will help, but usually it results in things like this.

34 weeks & looking much bigger than @ 33 weeks. It must be the angle or the shirt, right?

I was planning on saving the top of our wedding cake for our 25th anniversary, yes a little sentimental, I know, but I decided it was time to let it go. We ate some on our 1st anniversary, and it wasn't bad, but after moving about ten times I decided it wouldn't be good any more. It was just a lot of sentimenal freezer space. We even got a deep freezer, but I still threw it away. This is what pictures are for after all.

Now, that it's getting close to being time for the baby to come we decided to be brave and transition Hannah to a bed.

Night 1: I couldn't sleep. I felt I had to listen to make sure she wasn't wandering. I also worried that she'd come stand by our bed, and I'd scream & tramatize her. She woke up in the middle of the night saying "water," over & over. By the time I got to her she was by the door & in the process of opening it. After giving her water she pointed to her crib. I felt bad, but I convinced her to go back to her bed. She woke up around 6:00, instead of 8:00, saying "mommy" over & over, but she understood quickly that she could come to me. After 45 minutes of her in bed w/ us I put her back to bed w/ a little bit of a fuss from her, but she was quiet until 7:15. I put a gate up. She stood by it & said, "mommy" calmly, but persistently, until I got her.

Night 2: I made a sticker chart. I showed it to her & explained that if she stayed in bed all night until we got her that she'd get a star sticker. She loves "dars" and was very excited! I put her to bed very tired @ 8:00. I put a gate in her doorway so that I could sleep w/out worrying about her getting into trouble in the house etc. etc. I didn't hear any thing until 7:45! Yeay! Night 2 was a success. I don't know if it was the chart, or if she just got used to the idea of her bed, but it's working so far. Wish us luck in the future!

1 comment:

Kristi said...

Heather! You look fantastic! The sticker chart sounds like a great idea. I will have to remember that for when we move Marina to a "big girl" bed. :)